Section 3 Our Separation From God - 06 Our Fall From Grace

Question: So this is why the story is told like a fairytale gone bad.

God’s answer:

unbelievably true

Question: Is this also why the story of creation is told the way it is?

God’s answer:

first part of the story

Question: Why did you use the word simpleton, which is defined as a person without the usual ability to use reason and understand.18?

God’s answer:

cave mentality
Their children were simple-minded. They were a
different breed of man.

Question: Please confirm.

God’s answer:

Land of the Apes

Meaning: There is a movie titled the Planet of the Apes. (originally a 1968 film, remade is 2001) “The film tells the story of an astronaut crew who crash-land on a strange planet in the distant future. Although the planet appears desolate at first, the surviving crew members stumble upon a society in which apes have evolved into creatures with human- like intelligence and speech. The apes have assumed the role of the


dominant species and humans are mute creatures wearing animal skins.”19

There is also a less known DVD movie called Land of the Apes “ where five explorers find themselves in a world ruled by an horrific tribe of half humans. This is in fact nothing to do with Planet of the Apes at all, but the title, logo and taglines are clearly in the style of the Apes stories..., it should be pointed out that the 'apes' featured are actually primitive, un- evolved ape-humans...” 20

Question: Why the movie “Land of the Apes” and not “Planet of the Apes”?

God’s answer:

You are not apes behaving like man. You are man behaving like apes.

... which brings us to the next chapter - The Evolution of Fallen Angels and fallen Man.

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